DOH is Hiring Health Professional for COVID-19 Emergency Response

The Department of Health (DOH) just announce in their official Facebook page that they're conducting an emergency hiring of health personnel for COVID-19 response.

They are in need of the following position:

  • Medical Specialist II | Salary P75,359
  • Medical Officer III  |  Salary P59,353

  • Nurse II  |  Salary P32,053

  • Medical Technologist II  |  Salary P32,053

  • Respiratory Therapist II  | Salary P29,227

  • Radiologic Technologist II  |  Salary P32,053

  • Medical Equipment Technician III  |  Salary P22,316

  • Nursing Attendant II  |  Salary P15,524

  • Administrative Aide IV  |  Salary P13,807

  • Administrative Assistant II  |  Salary P17,505

Aside from your basic salary you'll also be getting compensation and benifits:
  1. Basic salary + premium of up to 20% of basic salary.
  2. Up to P500/day hazard allowance.
  3. P500 GSIS group insurance.
  4. P1,000/month communication and transportation allowance
  5. P100,000 in case of infirmity due to COVID-19 and P1,000,000 in case of death.
  6. Hospitalization benefits
  7. Health personnel will also be entitled to other benefits such as PPEs, Board and lodging while on duty or quarantine, psychosocial support(as needed), CPD units, Preferential evaluation for DOH vacancies, and Medico-Legal Assistance.

Your Job Duties and Responsibilities
  1. Fulfill the duties and functions, as prescribed by the chief of hospital, local chief executive, head of facility or duly designated supervisor.
  2. Duty hours shall not exceed eight (8) hours per day to complete 40 hours per week.
  3. Adequate rest periods are provided during tour of duty and in between daily duty schedules.
  4. If required to undergo 14-day quarantine period based on existing clinical guidelines, you will be considered on duty and will be compensated accordingly.
  5. Delivery of other forms of service (e.g. telemedicine) during quarantine period, if capable.

Once hired, they will be deployed in the following order of priority:
  1. DOH-designated COVID-19 referral hospitals;
  2. Temporary treatment and monitoring facilities for COVID-19;
  3. DOH-designated COVID-19 diagnostic facilities;
  4. Public hospitals (national and local) handling COVID-19 patients; and
  5. Private hospitals duly designated by the DOH to handle COVID-19 cases.

Here are the requirements for application: 
1. Personal Data Sheet, 4 copies
2. PRC ID related to your profession

Submit your requirements to any of the following:
A. DOH Hospitals
C. DOH Centers for Health Development

How will DOH ensure my safety?
1. A "No PPE, No Duty" policy shall be adopted by all health facilities.
2. The health facilities shall ensure that all health personnel are adequately provided with required PPEs. Health facilities may coordinate with CHDs to request for assistance on PPEs in case of shortage of supplies.
3. The DOH, through the CHDs, shall monitor, allocate and distribute PPEs to the requesting health facilities, subject to availability of supplies. In case of stock-outs, the DOH and CHD shall assist the health facility in requesting support from donors and other organizations for needed PPEs.
4. The health facilities in collaboration with the LGUs or other appropriate government entities shall ensure the security and provision of transportation of health personnel.

If you are interested with the said position you may contact the following: 
PGH telephone number: 155-200.
email address:
DOH telephone number: (02) 8651-7800 loc. 4206, 4207
email address:

Source: DOH
